You can make any possible efforts simply want to achieve the goal. But in the end, you still cannot get it, and it just passed, like nothing happened.
I do not know the result or the consequence of each small thing occurred in my ordinary life, I just keep walking and walking, living and breathing. God knows why I have been on this way now.
I prepared for a long time and at last receive a five-minute rejection. That's all, the morning could not be too worse. Sometimes you know clearly how to react is the best way to express your own opinion, yet things do not come so easy.
Looking at those faces, those eyes with much more experiences and confidence, how can I innocently consider to be better than them? Anyway, I should get rid of it and just keep looking forward to the next, that is the real important thing.
2012年3月20日 星期二
張貼留言 (Atom)
“Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders.” 本片已列為個人最鍾愛的前幾名電影,數年前第一次看的時候,還無法意會其中的意境,看第二次時,無法理解「明明知道結果卻...

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